Members-only Analytics & Metrics How flexible analytics design enhances your product experience How can you tell if an embedded analytics solution provides the flexibility and simplicity in design that you need to guide your customers through their data? There are three critical analytics design features to consider when assessing solution vendors in the market today....
Members-only Podcasts Championing diversity in product design, with Amy Lima Amy Lima, Founder of Diversify Design, takes us through her organic founder’s journey, from the music industry to product design, the challenges she’s faced building a path, and more....
Members-only Product-Led Growth The truth about the software experience gap - and why you need to close it Every company relies on software to drive its business forward. As software replaces more in-person activities and enhances more workflows, oftentimes a disconnect in that experience arises. At Pendo, we call it the software experience gap....
Members-only Articles What is the product mindset? My clients are looking to build the right thing for themselves and their customers. They rightfully see the product mindset as a way to enable that. In this post, I’ll tell you why this isn’t a simple functional mindset or even a refocus on outcomes over output....
Members-only Reports Rise of the Growth PM Report The Rise of the Growth PM report has arrived, and it’s chock-full with everything you need to know on the current state of the role, the impact it’s making within orgs, what the future holds, and more....
Members-only Articles How to use behavior-based onboarding to improve PLG conversion We’ve always believed in the power of our product, but in late 2020 we made a company decision to pursue PLG in earnest. As we deeply believe in making data-driven decisions - in the power of hypothesis, testing, and iteration - we’ll be sharing our various experiments with the world....
Members-only Membership content How Linktree used product-led growth to scale to 12 million users I'm Jessica Box, Head of Growth at Linktree, and I'm really excited to be sharing the incredible learnings I've had throughout my career on growing organizations. Specifically, I'm going to share how Linktree has grown from zero to 12 million users in less than four years....
Members-only Product-Led Growth Human PLG: The Hubspot approach to product-led growth In this article, my aim is to help you inject some humanity into your product-led growth strategy by sharing how we’ve built this approach into the DNA of our growth team at HubSpot Academy, sharing the five key lessons learned along the way....
Members-only Guides A post-launch guide for product-led growth Your journey to product-led growth starts way before you actually launch the product, but it definitely doesn’t end there. Realistically, this is just the beginning. Here are the things to keep in mind when your product meets the road....
Members-only Product-Led Growth Sherlock Holmes Revisited: Six Lessons for Product People As I read (and re-read) Conan Doyle’s works. I came away with many lessons that we as product people can apply. You don’t need to be solving murders or finding lost treaties. So what does Sherlock have for those of us creating the technology of today?...
Members-only AI & Machine Learning Building AI products to power growth In this article, I'll be talking about building AI products to power growth. I'm hoping from this you'll get an understanding of how growth teams and growth products are created. And specifically within that, how AI products can help power growth....
Members-only Product-Led Growth Scaling products beyond regular constraints In this article, I’ll explain why products don’t actually scale, and walk you through three steps to overcome these hurdles; doing things that don’t scale, working your brain muscles every day, and being bold....
Members-only Product-Led Growth CMS vs. education platform: Which is better for PLG? After 20 years of innovating in the education space, we’ve learned a thing or two about what works to train and educate end users. So let’s get into the differences between a CMS and an education platform, and why an education platform is better for supporting product-led growth....
Members-only Product-Led Growth 8 Lessons from Sherlock Holmes for Product Teams and Product People But aside from the deeply deductive and yet often erratic behavior, what can we “normal” people learn from the storied sleuth? That is what I wanted to know as I read (and re-read) Conan Doyle’s works. I came away with many lessons that we as product people can apply....
Members-only Analytics & Metrics Turning customers into champions with embedded analytics In the age of the cloud and big data, our applications and our end users generate mountains of data on a daily basis. We may already provide our users with a few basic charts and reports, but are we really providing them with meaningful analytics that matter?...